¿Aún no has reservado tu habitación en el Hotel Chergui? Si estás buscando un lugar dónde relajarte después de un día lleno de aventuras por el desierto, ¡Lo has encontrado! Reserva ya tu habitación y disfruta de unas vacaciones mágicas…
¿Aún no has reservado tu habitación en el Hotel Chergui? Si estás buscando un lugar dónde relajarte después de un día lleno de aventuras por el desierto, ¡Lo has encontrado! Reserva ya tu habitación y disfruta de unas vacaciones mágicas…
¿Con ganas de que lleguen las esperadas vacaciones? Si aún no has decidido donde pasar unas semanas de desconexión, reserva ya tu habitación en el Hotel Chergui. ¡Te esperan días llenos de aventura, desierto, relajación y cultura!
Finally came our favorite season. Now we just enjoy the summer….and what better idea than a fun, relaxing and adventurous vacation in the Chergui!
This is the main square and one of the most famous and popular attractions of the Moroccan city of Marrakech. A magical place that is in a huge, irregular space, declared Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Humanity…
Who would not want to be resting at the Royal Haima Hotel Chergui? Where, at nightfall, you can enjoy a magical evening under the stars. Real Haima in the Kasbah Hotel Chergui, you can enjoy…
The “Koutoubia” It is the largest mosque in Marrakech. Its construction began under the reign of Sultan Ali ibn Yusuf 1120, and later it was extensively remodeled around the year 1141 by the caliph Abd al…
With the arrival of good weather, Who would not apetecería will be now in the fabulous pool # hotelchergui ? #chergui #morocco #cherguimorocco #travel #tourism #desert #errachidia
Today seems a perfect day to enjoy the relaxing Spa Hammam our hotel, the best place to disconnect!
know “The door of the desert”? The city of Ouarzazate is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful cities of southern Morocco, why some of the most famous films in cinema history, as Gladiator, Lawrence de Arabia…
Good morning and happy “Tuesday Monday”! We want to liven up a bit this return to routine, So today we invite you to unwind with a little adventure in the desert! Hotel Chergui we have fully equipped and prepared for your quads…